About Us

  1. Farage Earth Equipment

This is about transforming ideas, thoughts, designs, and even dreams to a real thing, something you can touch, turn, and switch on and off.

The thoughts come to me, “what if ?…. And how can I do it!, would it work?” then I grab a pencil and a piece of paper, and starts sketching a design. After pondering on the thoughts for days, it finds its way to the CADD and even to a 3D printer trying to move things around, and make it alive on its own.

The great satisfaction,  when things are moving out of the computer to the workshop. Some don’t and some do. Others stay in a 3D  printing stage, but here are two of many things.

If you are a Geotechnical Engineer, Geologist, environmentalist, or simply trying to dig a water well in your backyard. The Soil Auger is about the most effective and cheapest way to do that.

While you are intrigued by that thought, and you are a Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist you need to check out my Geotechnical Engineering Books.  

For those who are interested in an innovative design of firearms, check out my patented Caseless Ammo Firing System. I am waiting for a defense contracting company to take this design and make it a reality.

Served 22 months in Iraq as a DoD Civilian Contractor (Federal Employee)

Its all in the thoughts  

                                                           I go where my mind takes me

John W. Farage